Sunday, March 18, 2012

Randomocity...whatever that is.

This is literally the 6th time I've tried to write out this particular blog post, lol!  Have you ever partially journaled at one point and then something big happened so you had to write about it, then more things got exciting and you had to write about those...and so on and so on.  That right there, my friends, is what's happening.  Hehe!!  I always get so excited about things God is doing that I just can't ever seem to find the perfect time to write about I'm hoping tonight is a good night to do it!

Before I dive in, baby Landt is doing great!  I'm currently 18 weeks along and haven't had any complications, other than being sick here and there.  But as I've said before, I'd rather go through that sickness than go through the heartache of loosing another baby.  Anyway, if you ask me...I think there's a little girl in there just waiting to be confirmed in 2 weeks.  And Jared actually told me tonight he thought it was a girl too...even though he's hoping for a boy.  :)  Obviously, we're happy either way!

Alright, well...where do I even begin.  It has been quite the ride lately for Jared and myself.  God is always working on our hearts and refining in many different ways.  One of the passions the good Lord has blessed Jared and myself with is a heart for seeing human trafficking eliminated on this earth.  And even typing that out does not quite show you the burden we have in this area.  I hear of things like sex trafficking and child slavery and my heart hurts to a pain that no words can even describe the depth of that pain.  For years I have known God to put a fire on my heart for broken and battered women of this world, foreign and domestic.  For so long I have wanted to be among the women that are victims of sex trafficking and reach to them to let them know that I love them and I want to help.  But there were times I've become so discouraged with the questions, "how do I even help when I'm here in the U.S.?  How do I find it in America?  Can I, one person, really even do anything?".  Those questions, I believe, are a product of Satan and his way of deterring me from even pursuing this passion.  He felt threatened, so of course he'd make me doubt.  So...

It wasn't until this week that I have been so encouraged with this journey, and Jared as well.  But for myself, God spoke and encouraged me through my intensive week class and today's sermon.  Lol!!  Crazy how God works and at the most perfect times.  My intensive week class was called Christian Leadership, and it was literally phenomenal!  Dr. Allan Dunbar was our professor, and let me tell you...I've never met someone so full of wisdom in my life.  He spoke of leadership, obviously, but to realize the things that it takes to become a leader is what really hit me.  I won't even begin to dissect my notes for you from that class on here, but one of the biggest things I took away from this class is how God blesses a person who heavily pursues leadership through Him.  God will develop you and me wherever you's not like you have to go through this detox in order to start the process, the process is always going and God is going to use you wherever you are at, He's going to start on you wherever you are at.
Which brings me to the sermon today in church about serving.  The preacher today talked about how often times we get frustrated when we want to be involved in something, or serve somewhere and we think, "Well, I don't have anything to serve with.  How can I serve this, or be involved in this, when I don't have this or that?".  To which the preacher said, "God will bless what you have to serve with and then bless even more as you begin to open yourself up to serve more."  And I about stood right up and yelled, "YES!!  YOU ARE RIGHT!"  Just because I am one person in this big world, does not mean I can't start somewhere.  And if God is calling you to it, and you follow best believe He'll bless you!  So, with all this mumble jumble, I guess what I'm saying is that I am in pursuit of this passion and where to start and asking for God's blessing in this journey.  

Ok, sorry...I just had to somehow get that all out, and it's probably just all over the place.  But if you knew my personality, then you'd understand how my brain works sometimes.  Just need time to unscramble it all and keep moving forward.  Either way, this life journey is so incredible!  I just love God so much, and I am continually amazed by how He works.  Seriously friends, He is so incredible.  As much as a journey in your life with Christ can hurt, it can also be so exciting, exhilarating and intoxicating that you just can't help but yell: "WOIJWFEKSFLDKJ!!  WOOT!"  Lol.  I don't even know what else to write, but I hope that through the randomness of this post you can be encouraged to dig deep and find that passion God has set on your heart and you just take off with it, and knowing full well that God will bless you.  I will be praying for you this week, readers, that your ears and hearts are open and God shows you the passion and calling he has place on your hearts.  

Until next time!  :)

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