Thursday, October 6, 2011

Omaha, Nebraska...what's not to like??

Hello!  And welcome back to...SURVIVOR, death or chocolate!  Did I get you??  Did you believe it?!  Dang it...  I've always wanted to write something like, now it's out of my system.  Here we go:

So, in case you didn't already know, Jared and I live in a different part of Omaha.  We were living in the married housing out at Nebraska Christian College and then decided we'd like to live in society.  :)  That probably sounds funny to most of you, especially if you are thinking, "Well, weren't you already in society at the college?"  The answer to that is, no, not really.  We love the people at the college, truly we do, but Jared and I like to be in close proximity with people who do not know Jesus.  And God led us to this part of Omaha.  Just a few blocks from what is called Midtown Crossing in a little area named Gifford Park.  Google it!  It's sweet!

Anyway, we LOVE LOVE LOVE this part of Omaha.  I couldn't be happier with this area and being around people I don't already know, or people who I see in a classroom everyday.  Lol!  Just a couple nights ago we were meeting with Eric and Lisa (our team leaders for CRM, New Minster Omaha) and another gentleman named Dave (I think?  I'm really bad with names...).  In this meeting we were taught about a different kind of prayer walking, and we practiced it that night too.  On our prayer walk Dave taught us to be asking God not what we can be doing, but rather what HE wants to do in this part of Omaha, as well as asking Him if we could be used in this plan as well.  He also taught us to ask God to open our eyes to what He may be wanting us to see on that particular walk, as well as any other walks we may do.  When God has opened your eyes to thing begin to pray about what He is having you see, then branching off into specific prayer about a particular thing, or person, or happening that you are seeing.  It was very cool and exciting to experience this!  

Soon Jared and myself will be house/apartment hunting.  The house we are currently living in is actually someone else's place, we are just subleasing until they back.  Our prayer is that God will bless us with a house to rent that is closer to Eric and Lisa, as well as a place that will allow us to have a dog.  We are longing to have a dog!!  So bad!  As well as a place that will be wonderful for raising children (whenever that is, in God's timing).  So we are asking you all, whoever is reading this, to please pray with us about a house to rent and for a good price.  

Recently I just finished a book called, "Heaven is for Real" by Todd Burpo.  I'm sure most of you know what book I am talking about.  It is the story of the little boy, Colton Burpo, who experienced heaven while in the midst of surgery that the doctors believed he wouldn't make it through.  The story is quite literally amazing, but the part that really touched my heart was the behind-the-scenes person, Todd and Sonja (the father and mother).  Todd is the one writing the book and throughout the book you are witnessing him growing in this journey of hearing about the reality of heaven.  He is a pastor and yet struggles through believing what is happening, which is not something many pastors are not willing to be openly vulnerable about.  I was truly amazed to see him express his emotions throughout this book and not solely stick to his ways of being a teacher (which I'm sure he is gifted at) but also become a learner and teachable follower.  He expresses anger towards God, anxiety, confusion, frustration...all of the above.  He learns how to become more childlike in his faith with the Lord and really seeking what God is doing in his life.  It was amazing to almost be there as Todd is showing us through his writing what is going on and how he and his wife are experiencing this.  You see his heart and the way God works through the craziest circumstances.  One thing he talks about towards the end of the book is his amazement in how God responds to a childlike prayer, a prayer of really talking with God as if he is standing right there in your living room or bathroom, or bedroom...etc.  To really converse with God and tell him what you are truly thinking, tell him out might as well because he already knows what you are thinking.  So why not say it?  I personally started doing this and it's refreshing, rejuvenating, and quite hilarious at times too.  I think God likes us to know that while He is big and beyond our comprehension, he is personal and totally capable of hearing your conversation with Him.  He's really the best listener you'll ever meet, I promise!  

So let me encourage you, reader, to try chat praying with God.  Tell him what you are really thinking during your day or prayer time, he likes to hear it out loud (Or at least that's what I think).  Envision Him right there with you while you drink your coffee or eat your tacos.  He's a cool being to get to know in that way, it's amazing!  

Anyway, that's a bit of an update with Jared and I.  Here, loving God and wanting to be used as one of His many vessels in Omaha, Nebraska! Hope you all are being blessed and that God has been growing and stretching you in ways you never knew possible!  Grace and peace, friends!

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