Sunday, August 28, 2011

Mysterious strength

And here we are...pursuing, praying, asking and serving.  At this point in life, that's really all Jared and I can do as His followers.  As hard as it is, we know more than anything that with God in control we can pull through anything.

It has almost been two weeks since our miscarriage and little Leena Marie left us for a better place; a place where we will someday meet her.  God has brought us so much restoration in these last two weeks, more than I could have ever imagined possible.  But know that we have not become stone to the situation, we still cry from time to time and ask God for understanding, but a good cry is always good to have!  So we have been able to press on but yet remember and be prayerful about what happened.

The past two weeks have just been a whirlwind of stuff going on.  Jared has been working and I've been meeting with some people here and there.  This particular week is something that is a bit out of the ordinary, but we're excited to see how it goes.  I am in Onalaska, Wisconsin this week taking care of a grandma who I have never really known all that well.  Both Jared and myself have been very prayerful about this week and what God may have in store while I am with my grandma.  Here's just a bit about this situation:
  Grandma, Sallee Farley, is my dad's mom.  Grandma is currently slowly slipping away from us as she has just recently been diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer.  She has been smoking since she was a teenager and currently in her late 70's, I believe...  Grandma has never known or wanted to know about Christ, and it's been heart breaking to watch her wither away and not know of this person who offers a life that is so extraordinary!  So I was asked a while ago to come take care of her for a week, and I agreed to this.  As I have prayed about this over the last few weeks I asked God to give me the right words to just even become friends with her, or just create a relationship with her.  I've never known about her other than the fact that she is my grandmother.
  So I've been here for about 24 hours already...and it has definitely been hard!  She is unable to walk on her own, so I have to be balancing her around.  Other than that she stays busy watching some tv and reading the newspaper between eating and medication.  I'm not really sure on how to engage in conversation with her about simple little things.  I know I'm dying to know the story behind how her and my grandpa met and the whole story behind that relationship...but for some odd reason I just can't seem to form the right words.  Lol!  I know what some of you are thinking, "Jeez, talk all the time, how could you not think of anything??!".  I'm not sure what the answer is.  But I'm still praying and it's still early in the week, so we'll see.

Anyway, so maybe some of you can be praying and/or thinking about that for me.  Jared is back in Omaha for the week, he'll just be working and probably meeting with people here and there as well.  So we're away from each other for the week, which is something we see as being good for us every once in a while, but we definitely miss each other too.
 So needless to say, this could potentially be a very hard and trying week with being away from my better half and having to be in constant care for my grandmother will be trying as well.  But it's a good position to be in because I know that in no way am I able to rely on my own strength, but on the strength of my God who will willingly give me strength if I ask.  Anyway, so it'd be SUPA sweet if you all could be praying over this week, that God would utilize myself as well as Jared and that we will be the servants who are always pursuing, praying, asking and serving in His glorious name!

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