Sunday, March 27, 2011

The next step

So, here we are.  We've received our calling, we've gone through some training...and what's the next step?  Support raising.  Those short two words are so intimidating and daunting.  Our minds wants to shut down and cry because I know that life as a missionary involves this act of support raising.  But as our human nature wanted to cry and shy away from this step, our hearts was oddly at peace with this scary, but humbling task.  So...
Let us catch you up a little since our last post:
Jared, myself, and our teammates Brett and Nicole Ricley (as well as their baby, Jonathan!) had been praying about a date in which we are shooting to be out and living in Salt Lake City.  We knew going into this idea of asking God about a date would require a lot of prayer, meditation, fasting, and wisdom from others.  So we prayed about a date that had popped up while in conversation with our team, and God made it very apparent that we are to work towards this particular date: August 15th, 2011!  We believe the reason this date has been given to us is because of the new incoming freshman on the campus we will be working on, University of Utah.  We want to be there for them when they first start up a new step of life in college and allow God to utilize us to impact them from the get-go!
So, in order to make steps towards getting to this date we need to be in full time support raising, and quick.  We knew what this meant, and as young newlyweds we felt we were not ready to take this next step.  What was this next step?  What did being in full time support raising mean?  For us it meant giving it all to God and trust that He will provide.  Translation: it was time to put in our two weeks notice(s) at our jobs.  Again, we buckled down and prayed hard about this decision, and the answer was given in time.  I (Anna) was given this confirmation over a course of a couple of months as I am looking back at it.  I didn't realize that this was what God was preparing me for until I really started asking and seeking about this bold move.  So the answer was given and we gave the notice.  April 1st is the last day of work for Jared and I, and then we head to Iowa to meet with potential supporters.  We're really doing this!  Our hearts are racing and set on the next get to Salt Lake City!  We are excited yet nervous at the same time.  Will you pray with us as we start in on this faith journey?  At this point we need all the prayer support we can get as we walk in faith!

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