Thursday, February 2, 2012

Just when you thought...

This, my friends, has been the post I have been waiting to write for quite some time now, especially after loosing a beloved baby in August this last year.  I'm sure most of you, by now, will know what I'm talking about when I say I've been excited to write this post...if not, then you'll just have to read this whole thing and wait for the end.  DUH DUH DUUUUH!!! (like the movies, hehe)

Obviously many of you know that 2011 wasn't exactly the easiest of years for Jared and myself.  But our plan for 2012 was to remain faithful and persistent with the here and now and know that God had a plan for us, no matter what.  

  I know for me, Anna, it was hard to think that God would bless us anytime soon with becoming parents.  My thought was since I always hear stories of women who cannot get pregnant for a long time after a miscarriage that this would inevitably happen to us.  But that was not so for Jared and I!  We found out a short while ago that God blessed us again with a new little life that is currently 11 1/2 weeks old and with a good, strong Landt!  

To be completely honest with you, when Jared and I first found out, we were really scared.  Lol, in fact, I cried really hard when I saw the little positive sign...I just figured it'd happen all again.  Especially because I was already have a few pains here and there that were similar to the first pregnancy.  My heart hurt so much because I didn't want to go through this again, and I knew that the only way my heart and mind would be at ease was if I prayed.  I didn't want to feel this pain and live in fear of what COULD happen again, but I wanted to feel excited and experience the joy of first finding out that you are expecting.  So that is what I prayed, because God knew I was thinking about it all the time, so why not just say it outloud/journal it?  I mean, c'mon, it's only fair right?  So let me tell you how this specific prayer went down:

  "Hey God,
First off, thank you.  Even though I'm having a hard time saying it because it's hard for me to believe it...but for real, thanks.  So here is what I want to say, I want to be excited.  God, I want to experience the joy of knowing that you have done this beautiful thing of creating a little life inside of me that you are wanting us to raise for you.  I'm asking you this because I know that the only way I will experience a real, like FOR REAL, joy is if I receive it from you.  And only you.  So I would love to have my prayer answered today, is that alright?  Will you please bless little baby with being healthy, and wanting to stay there and see us all alive and vibrant at 40 weeks?  I would certainly love that!   Anyway, I'm not sure what else to say, but I ask that you hear my prayer today.  Thanks for being great.  Love your daughter, Anna Marcelina."  

It was from there on out that God has given both Jared and I peace over what is to come.  No matter what comes in our way, He has reassured us that we serve a God who is bigger than any obstacle or struggle we could ever come across.  And as I have stated before, WE were the ones who signed up for this.  WE were the ones who answered when He called us to be in His family and serve Him no matter what.  Jared and I know that anything could happen with this baby, but we also know we serve a God who is faithful and provides for us.

SO!  Without dragging on any longer...we are happy to say that we are EXCITED!  And pregnant.  Lol!  :)  I am excited for what the rest of this year holds, and the plans God has for Jared and well as baby Landt.  Before I leave you, readers, I would like to ask you to please be praying with us for this pregnancy.  Please pray that the spirit of worry and anxiety will be bound away from us as we continue this journey of preparing to raise a little disciple.  We want to be parents who pray and are strong examples of people who are exceptionally faithful to the God we serve.  Thank you all who have been praying for us already, and giving us encouragement.  It is so appreciated!   Blessings friends!

  (P.S. I think it will be a girl.  HEHE!  Maybe that's just me hoping...)  :)